Copper Price 03/25/2025 5.1355

Blasting Clay Targets As If They Were Brain Tumors: 8th Spring Shoot Delivers Dollars To Fight Pediatric Cancer

“I was diagnosed before my 18th birthday. So, right before I was independent,
I needed my parents more than ever.”  ~ Nicole, 27 years old

There’s nothing worse for a parent to imagine than the diagnosis that their child has a brain tumor. They need all the support possible, emotional and financial, to understand what comes next for the road ahead. Meanwhile, researchers need backing to help accelerate toward a cure for this disease.

The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation works tirelessly to serve the more than 28,000 children living with this diagnosis, giving them and their families education and hope. Nationwide events are part of the effort too, but even one of the largest sources of funding toward childhood brain tumors can’t do it alone. That’s what makes events like The 8th Annual Runzel Brothers Spring Shoot so special.

“I was diagnosed in the 7th grade and had a relapse in 9th grade and slipped into a coma. But I’m doing OK now and things are back to normal. I’m now a Senior in high school, getting ready to graduate.”  ~ David, 18 years old

The Spring Shoot brings together people of all skill levels to compete in Sporting Clays, Flurry, 5-Stand, Trap and Annie Oakley. The participants and volunteers descend on Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation in East Dundee, IL in what we’re proud to say this year was a record number in attendance. Why is that so important? Because every entry fee for this event through the combined sponsorship of Lake Cable and Shattuc Cord Specialties provides precious dollars for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation.

“I was diagnosed at 2 years old and the cancer came back at 4. I’m now a Freshman in college, living my life.”
~ Morgan, 19 years old

Sure, we always have a lot of fun getting outdoors on this weekend in April to see who has the best shot. But if you’ve ever heard the stories of actual survivors of pediatric brain cancer, like the ones you’re reading above, you know that there’s something far bigger that drives us: A cure so that more children can have a real chance at living the fuller, happier life they deserve.

We need more stories of pediatric cancer survival like these. So even if you couldn’t make it to this year’s Spring Shoot, you have the opportunity to donate to the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation all year long.